Welcome to the N22 Farranfore to Kilarney Project Virtual Event Space
Thank you for visiting our virtual consultation for the N22 Farranfore to Killarney Project.

Jacobs Engineering Ireland operate this virtual consultation as a data processor on behalf of Kerry County Council who is the data controller for any personal data you provide through the virtual consultation.

Information on how Kerry County Council may collect and use personal data is located on their website https://www.kerrycoco.ie/home3/accessibility-statement/

Public Consultation

This online exhibition contains information boards, consultation documents, an interactive map of the Emerging Preferred Route, as well as a number of ways you can give us your feedback.

To navigate your way through the exhibition:

Use your mouse or touch screen device to scroll left to right or use the left and right arrows on your keyboard.

Click on the information icon to expand each panel or click the welcome video to play it fullscreen. To close a panel, click the X button on the top right corner.

If you have any specific questions or concerns, you can also book a call back with a member of our team. Further information on how to book are highlighted in this exhibition.

All materials and boards can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking the download button located at the bottom of each board.